This tutorial is part of the skills labs within Interactive Data Science and Visualization.


Skills Lab 4 has been exploring how to bring outside resources into your visualizations. This has included fonts, images, and the user themselves. In this next tutorial, we will bring in external data. For this exercise, I am providing code which draws a visualization of fuel economy. Each section of this tutorial will disect one piece of this snippet of code. Note that this may be a little verbose given the simplicity of the graphic but I want to demonstrate some patterns you might consider for your work!


If we think back to Lecture 5, we used fuel economy standards as a way to re-do an example 3D visualization a few different ways. One option focused on reducing chartjunk and increasing data/ink ratio. This involved making a scatterplot with a twist: we used text instead of circles as a form of direct labeling. In this tutorial, we are going to explore building that graphic again in Sketchingpy. This will help demomnstrate not just how to bring data into our work but also gives us an opportunity to explore what is gained by taking control of the drawing as opposed to using a pre-built chart.


We need a few resources to make this work: A CSV or "comma separated values" file is simply a way to represent tables of data. These text files are easy for machines to read using many different software packages and programming languages. Add those files to your sketchbook. Afterwards, try running my sketch. We will look at pieces of that code throughout the rest of the tutorial.
Alternatives to CSV

There's no shortage of file formats out there. We are going to stay focused on CSV as it is likely the most common type you will run into. However, we will explore data which doesn't fit into a table easily later in this course. In particular, we will spend some time with JSON with complex nested data as well as geospatial information for making maps.

Load Data

This tutorial will use Sketchingpy for file access. Let's take a look at how my sketch does it.
data_layer = sketch.get_data_layer()
data_raw = data_layer.get_csv('fuel_standards.csv')
changes = [parse_fuel_standard_change(x) for x in data_raw]
We open a CSV file by providing its name before calling parse_fuel_standard_change to make sure the data I'm expecting to see are there with the right attributes and type (number, string, etc). We will take a closer look at that in a moment but, in case this notation is unfamiliar, I could have rewritten the last line which is a list comprehension like so:
changes = []

for datum in data_raw:
    parsed_datum = parse_fuel_standard_change(datum)
Both list comprehensions as well as map, filter, and reduce might be worth exploring. They are commonly used tools for data manipulation operations in visualizations. These patterns are also often available across many different programming languages.
Alternatives to Sketchingpy for data access

If you have worked with Python prior to this course, you probably have loaded data from files before. Perhaps you used csv from the standard library or maybe you used an external library like Pandas. You are welcome to use those tools in this course but there is a catch.

One challenge for interactive data visualization is that your work might run across multiple platforms. While this might be different operating systems like Linux, it also includes running as a component inside the sketchbook versus embedded within a web page or outside the browser altogether as a stand alone app. Accessing files can be a little different in each case. For example, when running embedded within a webpage outside the sketchbook, you might have to make requests through the network to access resources instead of just calling with open or pandas.read_csv.

Sketchingpy takes care of all of this complexity by determining where the sketch is running and accessing files accordingly. This means that the same code which runs as a stand alone "desktop application" can also run from inside a browser without modification. You certainly don't need to use Sketchingpy to open files but it is still recommended.

Within the context of this class, this Sketchingpy approach means that your final project can be run from a web browser more easily. This can help you send your work to your friends or include it on your own personal website for prospective employers! If you use something else, you may have to add a little extra code to handle network stuff when your code either leaves the sketchbook (which emulates a local file system for you) or when your sketch departs a desktop application for the web. However, we can worry about all of those details when we get to the final.

Holding Data

Let's next look at how I parse each data point:
def parse_fuel_standard_change(raw_datum):
    """Parse a raw CSV row as a FuelStandardChange.

        raw_datum: Raw CSV row to parse.

        The row represented as a FuelStandardChange.
    year = int(raw_datum['year'])
    standard = float(raw_datum['fuelStandardMpg'])
    return FuelStandardChange(year, standard)
Each row of the table inside the CSV file is represented as a dictionary mapping from string keys to string values. We do a "cast" here ("int" and "float") which converts from a string to a number because we want our years like 1985 to be integers and our fuel standards like 27.5 mpg to be floating point values with decimal components. Finally, let's look at that class I'm using to hold each data point:
class FuelStandardChange:
    """Object representing a change in fuel standards.

    Record of a change in fuel standards with a year in which that standard came
    into force and the standard level.

    def __init__(self, year, standard):
        """Make a new record of a standard change.

            year: The year like 1985 in which the standard came into force.
            standard: The standard starting in the year as miles per gallon.
        self._year = year
        self._standard = standard

    def get_year(self):
        """Get the year in which the standard came into force.

            The year like 1985 in which the standard came into force.
        return self._year

    def get_standard(self):
        """Get the new fuel economy standard.

            The standard starting in this year as miles per gallon.
        return self._standard
I should mention that some developers wouldn't add this class in and instead draw from the dictionaries directly. While the choice in your own code is up to you, I personally like having custom classes because: See "more on software architectrue" but these different approaches (read right from the dict, use custom object, etc) are all commonly used in Python.
More on software architecture

If you have taken software architecture coursework, you may recognize FuelStandardChange as a "data model object" or the Model (M) in the Model-View-Presenter (MVP) pattern. In this context, the name I use for the FuelStandardVizPresenter class might make more sense. The "view" would actually be the Sketchingpy Sketch2D itself.

Separately, you may have seen namedtuple or data classes in other resources. These can also be great options though I still prefer having custom objects for three reasons:

  • Through the methods on my class, I can tell those using my objects (like other developers on my project) that they can get values but can't set or change them.
  • I can provide docstrings for each variable through the method used to get it. Though there are options to attach annotation to instance variables, they aren't as common and there's some systems that won't support them.
  • I can build in calculations that need to be done on values when someone calls a getter. For example, we could have a get_as_mpg for miles per gallon and get_as_kml for kilometers per litre with one performing the units conversion before returning a value. We will see an example of this later in the course.

These three objectives are sometimes more difficult using these other tools. All that said, these are just ideas for you to consider. For our homework, any of these approache are welcome!


Now that we have our data, we need to position it graphically on the page. We have two scales: This brings us to a little snippet of code which does the most common type of placement: a linear scale. Let's start with the horizontal scale:
def _get_x(self, year):
    """Get horizontal position at which a year's results should be drawn.

    Get horizontal position at which a year's results should be drawn where
    the minimum year is at the left side (LEFT_PAD) and the maximum year is
    at the right side (WIDTH - RIGHT) which corresponds to the minimum and
    maximum x coordinate of the chart body respectively.

        year: The integer year for which an x position is requested.

        The x position in pixels at which the year should be drawn.
    year_range = END_YEAR - START_YEAR
    percent_offset = (year - START_YEAR) / year_range
    working_width = WIDTH - LEFT_PAD - RIGHT_PAD
    pixel_offset = percent_offset * working_width
    return LEFT_PAD + pixel_offset
The logic for both the x and y positioning is similar. However, there is one last detail we have to manage. Let's quickly look at the vertical scale.
def _get_y(self, standard):
    """Get vertical position at which a year's results should be drawn.

    Get vertical position at which standard's results should be drawn where
    the minimum standard is at the bottom side (HEIGHT - BOTTOM_PAD) and the
    maximum standard is at the top side (TOP_PAD) which corresponds to the
    maximum and minimum y coordinate of the chart body respectively.
    Note that, to have larger values at higher positions, the smallest
    standards in mpg are at the largest y coordinates.

        year: The float standard (mpg) for which a y position is requested.

        The y position in pixels at which the standard should be drawn.
    standard_range = MAX_STANDARD - MIN_STANDARD
    percent_offset = (standard - MIN_STANDARD) / standard_range
    percent_offset_reverse = 1 - percent_offset
    working_height = HEIGHT - TOP_PAD - BOTTOM_PAD
    pixel_offset = percent_offset_reverse * working_height
    return TOP_PAD + pixel_offset
The complication here is that coordinates go up as you from top to bottom of the sketch's canvas. So, we reverse the percentage for the miles per gallon: instead of going from 0% to 100%, it goes from 100% to 0%. In other words, if a value we are placing is 75% from the minimum value to the maximum value, we place at 25% (100% - 75%) between the minimum pixel coordinate and the maximum pixel coordinate.

Axes and Title

Since we are direct labeling, we don't have too much "chrome" to draw for our visualization. This helps us improve our data-ink ratio! However, it is important that we tell the user where our y scale starts and ends so that they know we aren't doing anything funny.
def _draw_axis(self, sketch):
    """Draw the left side axis which clarifies start / end standards.

        sketch: The sketch in which to draw the axis.

    sketch.set_text_font(FONT, SMALL_SIZE)

    min_y = self._get_y(MIN_STANDARD)

    sketch.set_text_align('left', 'top')
    sketch.draw_text(LEFT_PAD, min_y, min_str)

    sketch.draw_line(LEFT_PAD, min_y, LEFT_PAD + 20, min_y)

    max_y = self._get_y(MAX_STANDARD)

    sketch.set_text_align('left', 'bottom')
    sketch.draw_text(LEFT_PAD, max_y - 1, goal_str)

    sketch.draw_line(LEFT_PAD, max_y, LEFT_PAD + 20, max_y)

We are doing a push / pop at the start and end of the method to make sure that our changes to style only apply within this method. Furthermore, note that we are also taking advantage of this opportunity to additionally contextualize the data by describing why we end at 27.5 mpg. Specifically, we identify it as the legislative target for the ECA. Finally, we can put a chart title up at the top.
def _draw_title(self, sketch):
    """Draw the visualization title.

        sketch: The sketch in which the title should be drawn.

    sketch.set_text_align('left', 'bottom')
    sketch.set_text_font(FONT, HUGE_SIZE)
    sketch.draw_text(LEFT_PAD, TOP_PAD - 18, TITLE)

The use of the title contextualizes the chart. It is pretty neutral right now but, depending on the purpose of the graphic, we could use this offer additional insight like "Pathway to 27.5 mpg" or something similar.
Other technologies beyond Sketchingpy

The patterns you see here with Sketchingpy are common to other similar technologies like Processing, P5, or HTML5 Canvas. These other technologies also have set_fill, set_stroke, draw_line, draw_text or equivalents. Therefore, the push at the start of function and pop at the end is something you'll find in other code outside Python too. I also want to mention that this example is not using translate and rotate but those are common as well in other libraries.

Data Glyphs

We are finally ready to draw the actual data points themselves.
def _draw_change(self, sketch, change, align, highlight, annotation):
    """Draw an individual change in fuel economy standards.

        sketch: The sketch in which the change should be drawn.
        change: The FuelStandardChange to draw.
        align: String describing the horizontal alignment to use when
            drawing this change.
        highlight: Flag that indicates if this year should be drawn in
            high contrast "highlight" styling. True if highlight should be
            used and false otherwise.
        annotation: The annotation to display next to this year's results
            or None if no annotation should be added.

    if highlight:

    year = change.get_year()
    standard = change.get_standard()
    x = self._get_x(year)
    y = self._get_y(standard)

    sketch.set_text_font(FONT, SMALL_SIZE)
    sketch.set_text_align(align, 'bottom')
    sketch.draw_text(x, y - LARGE_SIZE / 2 - 2, year)

    sketch.set_text_font(FONT, LARGE_SIZE)
    sketch.set_text_align(align, 'center')
    sketch.draw_text(x, y, '%.1f' % standard)

    if annotation:
        sketch.set_text_font(FONT, SMALL_SIZE)
        sketch.set_text_align(align, 'top')
        sketch.draw_text(x, y + SMALL_SIZE / 2 + 2, annotation)

There are a lot of different options available for drawing these different data points: align, highlight, and annotation. However, this is also where we see the power of building these graphs from the ground up through something like Sketchingpy. We can configure each piece of the graphic very precisely.
Using transformation instead

Note that is common for some designers to use translate so, for example, instead of this:

    get_x(year) - 5,
    get_y(val) - 5,

    get_x(year) + 5,
    get_y(val) + 5,

You might instead see this:

sketch.translate(get_x(year), get_y(val))

sketch.draw_ellipse(-5, -5, 5, 5)
sketch.draw_ellipse(5, 5, 5,5)

This can really simplify code where you have to do a lot of drawing relative to a particular coordinate.
Finally, note that we are using formatting strings like "%.1f" which means convert a float to a string such that one decimal value is retained. So, 1.23 would become 1.2. These are used in various strings that are selected depending on the attributes of the data point being drawn. We will look at that formatting logic in the next section.
Putting numbers into text

One thing I want to point out here is the use of formatting strings like %.2f. I am using the "old style" becuase, for those with prior programming background, it's more likely you will have seen something like %.2f as it exists in many different programming languages. That will do great for this course! However, I encourage you to look at additional information about string formatting in Python. There are other alternatives available!

Conditional Formatting

Our _draw_change method takes quite a few parrameters for highlighting and annotation that change based on the attributes of the data being drawn. This is sometimes called conditional formatting. Let's take a closer look at how those are determined.
def draw(self, sketch):
    """Draw the visualization.
        sketch: The sketch in which to draw the visualization.

    for change in self._changes:
        year = change.get_year()

        align = self._determine_align(year)
        highlight = self._determine_highlight(year)
        annotation = self._determine_annotation(year)

        self._draw_change(sketch, change, align, highlight, annotation)
For our purposes, all of this conditional formatting and labeling is all based on the year where, specifically, we want to show additional information on the start and end year specifically. Admitedly, it might be a little excessive to have this logic outside of _draw_change itself. However, I find that pulling this logic out can improve readability even if the resulting methods are small. Furthermore, if the logic for annotation gets more complicated later, it may be helpful to have it in its own space as to avoid cluttering the main draw methods too much.
Using dictionaries for conditional formatting

Let's take a closer look at one of these determine methods:

def _determine_annotation(self, year):
    """Determine what annotation if any should be added for the given year.

        year: The year for which an annotation should be returned.

        Annotation text to display next to results for the given year or
        None if no annotation should be added.
    if year == START_YEAR:
    elif year == END_YEAR:
        return END_YEAR_ANNOTATION
        return None

One pattern you may encounter is changing this to a dictionary which can help condense the code:

def _determine_annotation(self, year):
    """Determine what annotation if any should be added for the given year.
        year: The year for which an annotation should be returned.
        Annotation text to display next to results for the given year or
        None if no annotation should be added.
    options = {
    return options.get(year, None)

Here, the second parameter to get is the default value to use if the key is not found.


We use constants throughout the code. While these variables in all caps are the same as any other variable as far as Python is concerned, developers understand by convention that all caps means that the value of these variables is not expected to change throughout the execution of a program. I like getting a big list of constants so that I can quickly tweak values and see how different options feel. That said, sometimes it can be a good idea to read these from the data themselves. For example:
years = [change.get_year() for change in fuel_standard_changes]
start_year = min(years)
end_year = max(years)
If you go this route, you might consider doing something similar for min_standard and max_standard.
Personal advice for constants

I tend to go through a few visualizations before I find one that fits well. That in mind, I will often leave a lot in constants at first as I explore lots of different forms and then I make it responsive to the data after I know there's a need. After all, sometimes the graphic won't be redrawn with new data! However, this isn't universally accepted advice.


Go ahead and run the sketch if you haven't already. There is a question worth asking as we finish up: when is taking this more manual approach to drawing visualizations the right choice? The answer depends a bit on the context: All of this depends on the visualization and the purpose of your work. Even so, here's a few points to consider: Before moving on, think back to some of the best visualizations we examined from earlier in the course from the likes of Periscopic, Fathom, Stamen, Feltron, or Johnathan Harris. Many of those pieces involve some custom drawing beyond a pre-built chart that would require something like Sketchingpy. There's a reason that they choose this route. However, it's also true that not all data visualizaions require that degree of control. Even so, I'd encourage you to take advantage of the class to explore custom drawing to get that opportunity to explore each pixel of your graphic in detail.
Other graphics and creative programming

We've are focused on data visualizations in this course. However, a lot of what you learn could translate to other forms of creative coding from video games to visual art. In particular, some of the patterns we are using in our code are common to other forms of graphical programming including different libraries and programming languages. The ideas and structures of Sketchingpy are commonly seen elsewhere. Furthermore, some of our techniques can cross over into other design disciplines. These skills may be relevant in your other endavors!


This concludes Skills Lab 4. We will return to regular in-person instruction for Lecture 11. See you then for a favorite: Clevland and McGill!