We've built up the tools we need to draw glyphs, the foundational building blocks of our graphics. However, there are a few more elements we need to add in order to build data visualizations. We start the next leg of our journey by looking at how we can draw text which will be useful for axes, titles, direct labeling, and more! This is the first element of Skills Lab 4 which focuses on how to bring in external resources to aid our drawing code. In this case, we will bring in outside fonts.Contents
Before we can draw text, we need a font. Your machine has a number of fonts pre-installed that you can use. Maybe you've installed some of your own! All that said, different machines may have different default fonts so it is often wise to keep a copy of the fonts with a visualization. This is especially important for interactive visualizations you are sending to others. That in mind, some terminology that you might encounter when working with fonts:- A type has different typefaces like bold or italic. We will be working with "regular" for this tutorial.
- A type is a collection of related fonts. For example, each typeface would be a font within the type.
- Each letter in a font is a glyph and each shape within is typically called a stroke.
- Some fonts have serifs which are small lines at the end of characters. Fonts without serifs are called sans-serif fonts.
- The font can be set to a different size. This size can be specified using a few different units but we will use pixels which is often just called px.
- Font glyphs have ascendors and descenders which are parts of the letter that extend outside the body of the character. For example, a descender can be the bottom part of a "g" character.
- The width of each character or space is often not the same. This is called a "variable-width" font. However, for showing code, it is common to use a "fixed-width" or "monospace" font which ensures that any two lines of text with the same number of characters and spaces is the same visual length.
Go ahead and download Public Sans' regular font in OTF format and add it to your sketchbook by clicking on upload file. Next, let's draw a first piece of 14 px sized text.import sketchingpy sketch = sketchingpy.Sketch2D(500, 500) sketch.clear("#FFFFFF") sketch.set_text_font("PublicSans-Regular", 14) sketch.set_fill("#333333") sketch.clear_stroke() sketch.draw_text(10, 240, "Interactive Data Science and Visualization") sketch.show()If you are using Sketchingpy outside the browser, you may need to say "PublicSans-Regular.otf" instead. Anyway, try switching the text to say "Stat 198" and change the font size.
First, make sure that the filename is PublicSans-Regular.otf as the font name must match what you write in your code. Second, if the font still isn't displaying, there was a bug fix recently. Try going to the sketchbook and refreshing twice. Specifically, try doing a hard refresh through ctrl + shift + r or cmd + shift + r depending on your operating system.
Horizontal Align
Like other types of drawing, we can specify alignment for text. We will start with horizontal alignment as it is a bit simplier.import sketchingpy sketch = sketchingpy.Sketch2D(500, 500) sketch.clear("#FFFFFF") sketch.set_text_font("PublicSans-Regular", 14) sketch.set_fill("#333333") sketch.clear_stroke() sketch.set_text_align('left') sketch.draw_text(10, 150, 'Interactive Data Science and Visualization') sketch.set_text_align('right') sketch.draw_text(490, 350, 'Interactive Data Science and Visualization') sketch.show()There is another option for horizontal alignment called "center" which draws the text such that its geometric center is at the x position specified. Try changing the text above to use center instead.
Vertical Align
Vertical alignment has a few options: top, bottom, center, and baseline. To see what the each does, let's play with some text which as descenders.import sketchingpy sketch = sketchingpy.Sketch2D(500, 500) sketch.clear("#FFFFFF") sketch.set_stroke("#333333") sketch.draw_line(10, 250, 490, 250) sketch.set_text_font("PublicSans-Regular", 14) sketch.set_fill("#333333") sketch.clear_stroke() sketch.set_text_align('left', 'top') sketch.draw_text(10, 250, 'Going on a journey.') sketch.show()Try changing top to bottom, center, and baseline to see how the alignment changes. In particular, compare bottom to baseline: the descenders fall below the y position in baseline but the text moves up such that the descenders end at the y position in bottom.
There's a lot to say about type that we won't get to in this course. However, if you want to learn more, I strongly recommend Thinking in Type as a short and approachable introduction. When you are ready, continue on to Tutorial 9 to learn about images and buffers.Citations
- A. Pottinger, "Sketchingpy." Sketchingpy Project, 2024. [Online]. Available: https://sketchingpy.org/
- E. Lupton, "Thinking in Type," PA Press, 2024.
- USWDS, "Public Sans," General Services Administration, 2026. [Online]. Available: https://public-sans.digital.gov